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Stinky Bob

  Photo Credit Ursula Gruber Jacobs 2020  No dear, he is Geranium robertianum, and I love him. Yes, it is true, he smells of stinky arm pits. Sprawls out like a tent city on your lawn. Takes over. But please, see him like I see him. In the cool of the dusk, under sword fern and shade. A plant profile could not illustrate the feel of his spiny kiss, held to nose.     Breathe   Take him in. I took him in. Gave a place of prominence in a pot. Showcased among the chamomile and lemon balm. Saw what he does if you let him. He is not a weed. I am not a statistic. We shine my friend.      "Herb-robert was traditionally used as an antiseptic, as well as to treat stomach upset and nosebleeds . Its leaves are edible and used by some to make tea. They have also been used crushed and rubbed on the skin as an insect repellent".                                                        The Woodland Trust › plants › wild-flowers    

Poem:Lunacy (or how to lose composure)

                Like laces     Tied and tumbling                                    Mute   Like laces tied and tumbling Stagger, fits and starts Like laces tied I am stumbling                    Frozen. Caress the sky with gaze                                                                                                                                                                                The earth pulled out from under me                                                                                                                                                                  I don't know what to say

Poem: Welcome 2021

Dread has this heavy feeling Rock in my tummy And this city leaves ash in my eyes So I take to the woods Moss cushioned steps and words I can't take back But I would not If I could? I would string them like pine cones Like pearls around my neck Red and blue?  That shit's for you  Smoke it by yourself