Sunday, May 12, 2024

Aurora Borealis in the Pacific Northwest





 Undulating, Waves Repel

                            While Drawing us in

                                                            We replicate with glances 

What the skies can do 

Friday, August 4, 2023

Stinky Bob

Photo Credit Ursula Gruber Jacobs 2020 

No dear, he is Geranium robertianum,and I love him. Yes, it is true, he smells of stinky arm pits. Sprawls out like a tent city on your lawn. Takes over. But please, see him like I see him. In the cool of the dusk, under sword fern and shade. A plant profile could not illustrate the feel of his spiny kiss, held to nose.
Take him in. I took him in. Gave a place of prominence in a pot. Showcased among the chamomile and lemon balm. Saw what he does if you let him. He is not a weed. I am not a statistic. We shine my friend. 
"Herb-robert was traditionally used as an antiseptic, as well as to treat stomach upset and nosebleeds. Its leaves are edible and used by some to make tea. They have also been used crushed and rubbed on the skin as an insect repellent".
The Woodland Trust › plants › wild-flowers


Sunday, October 16, 2022

Poem: Jane Austen's Life Hack

Jane Austen - Wikiquote 

Gray one poem, Black one poem or all one poem, madness in the mixing







Oh, how cliche, to yearn and pine                                (Oh, how cliche)

To linger awkwardly, toe the line,                                (to moan and whine)

When words, breath and thoughts combine                (to bury deep)

I am swooning, clutching chest                                   (this truth I find)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Oh, what the fool I seem to be                                       (Oh taste of muse)

To duck and dodge, to turn and flee                             (and smells of pine)

yet still I sigh impatiently,                                             (Like fingertips inside my mind)             


{waiting for auras to collide}                                {Ensnares thoughts unknowingly}


Though I admit I to wish to kiss                                     (Hesitate, struggle, resist)

Delicate brows and dewy lips                                         (It buds at the root of play and jest)

Better to take to pen than to transgress                       (Feigning false indifference)?

and rush like wind to folly                                               (Shows how deeply one is ruled)



Poem:Lunacy (or how to lose composure)









Like laces

    Tied and tumbling

Like laces tied and tumbling

Stagger, fits and starts

Like laces tied I am stumbling 


Caress the sky with gaze                                                                                                                                             The earth pulled out from under me                                                                                                                                 I don't know what to say

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Poem: Welcome 2021

Dread has this heavy feeling

Rock in my tummy

And this city leaves ash in my eyes

So I take to the woods

Moss cushioned steps

and words I can't take back

But I would not

If I could?

I would string them like pine cones

Like pearls around my neck

Red and blue? 

That shit's for you 

Smoke it by yourself

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Poem:After Taste

I have stumbled through brush
and covered my eyes
Shut off the news so I do not entertain lies
And I still can't get this taste out my mouth